The essay should be completed preferably within 72 Hours from the time of receiving your IDENTIFICATION NUMBER from the UNSC-UN, U.S.A.
Please keep your essay CONFIDENTIAL after submission.
Circulating your essay to other friends or colleagues may result your chance to LOSE the First Prize.
The essay shall be limited to 1000 words. However maximum of extra 50 words will be allowed in an exceptional case. Exceeding 1,050 words be automatically eliminated from the evaluation.
The essay shall be written using MS Office with the following guidelines.
Double Line Spacing with a Margin of LHS 2.54, RHS 1.5, Top 2.54, Bottom 2.54 cms
The essay should be written only in ENLGISH language.
The completed essay shall be e-mailed back as a PDF attachment to ESSAY@UNSC.UNO