Issues and Reforms

Addressing Global Challenges and Advocating for Meaningful Change

At United Nations Security Council (UNSC), we believe that achieving lasting peace and security requires addressing the root causes of conflict and reforming global governance structures. Our focus is on advocating for changes that reflect today's geopolitical realities, ensuring inclusivity, and promoting sustainable peace worldwide.

Key Global Issues

A. Global Conflicts and Security Threats

In today's interconnected world, conflicts and security threats pose significant challenges to international peace and stability. From regional disputes and civil wars to the rise of terrorism and cyber warfare, these issues demand urgent attention and coordinated responses.

Ongoing Conflicts: Conflicts persist in various regions, including the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. These disputes often stem from historical grievances, ethnic tensions, and political power struggles. Yemen remains one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, with over 20 million people in need of humanitarian assistance due to ongoing conflict and famine.

Terrorism: The global threat of terrorism continues to evolve, with extremist groups exploiting political instability and societal divisions to further their agendas. According to the Global Terrorism Index 2023, there were over 6,000 terrorist incidents worldwide in 2022, resulting in nearly 30,000 fatalities.

Cyber Warfare: As technology advances, cyber warfare has emerged as a critical security challenge, with state and non-state actors targeting vital infrastructure and information systems. The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2024 identified cyberattacks on critical infrastructure as one of the top global risks, highlighting the increasing sophistication and frequency of attacks.

B. Human Rights and Humanitarian Crises

Human rights violations and humanitarian crises remain pervasive challenges in many parts of the world. From the plight of refugees to ethnic conflicts and systematic abuses, these issues undermine human dignity and call for collective action.

Refugee Crises: Millions of people have been forcibly displaced due to conflict, persecution, and environmental factors. Refugees face significant hardships, including limited access to basic services and protection. Over 1 million Rohingya have fled Myanmar to escape violence and persecution, primarily seeking refuge in Bangladesh.

Ethnic Conflicts: Ethnic tensions and conflicts continue to fuel violence and displacement, often exacerbated by political manipulation and discrimination. The conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray region has resulted in thousands of deaths and displaced millions, with widespread reports of ethnic violence and human rights abuses. The ethnic conflict in South Sudan has led to severe humanitarian needs, with over 4 million people displaced.

C. Climate Change and Environmental Security

Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, with far-reaching implications for global security and stability. Its impact on natural resources, ecosystems, and human livelihoods necessitates urgent action and international cooperation.

Resource Scarcity: Climate change exacerbates resource scarcity, leading to competition over water, land, and food. This can fuel tensions and conflict, particularly in vulnerable regions. Climate change is expected to reduce crop yields by up to 30% by 2050 in regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa, increasing food insecurity.

Natural Disasters: The frequency and intensity of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts, are increasing, causing widespread displacement and economic losses. The 2020 Australian bushfires burned over 18 million hectares, destroyed thousands of homes, and caused significant ecological damage.

Reforms We Advocate

A. United Nations Security Council Reform

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) plays a critical role in maintaining international peace and security. However, its current structure and composition reflect the geopolitical landscape of 1945, which no longer aligns with today's global realities. To enhance its legitimacy and effectiveness, we advocate for comprehensive reforms in the UNSC.

Key Reform Areas:

  • Expansion of Permanent Membership:

    • Inclusion of Emerging Powers: We propose the expansion of permanent seats to include emerging global powers, such as India, Brazil, and South Africa, to better represent the geopolitical shifts of the 21st century.
    • Regional Representation: Increasing representation from Africa and other underrepresented regions to ensure diverse perspectives in decision-making.
  • Reform of Veto Power:

    • Limitations on Veto Use: Introducing restrictions on the use of veto power in cases of mass atrocities, such as genocide and war crimes, to prevent paralysis in the UNSC’s decision-making processes.
    • Collective Decision-Making: Encouraging a more collaborative approach among permanent members to address global challenges effectively.
  • Enhanced Accountability and Transparency:

    • Open Sessions: Increasing the frequency of open sessions and consultations with non-member states to foster transparency and inclusivity.
    • Public Reporting: Regular public reporting on the UNSC’s activities and decisions to enhance accountability.

Join us in our mission to advocate for peace, reform global governance, and address the critical issues facing our world today. Your support can make a difference in creating a more just and secure world for all.