The UNSC-UN is an International Organization established under the State and the Federal Laws of the USA. The UNSC-UN is For the People, To the People and By the People. So, the Strength of the UNSC-UN is surrounded with the people around the world. Practically after the Second World War, on OCTOBER 24, 1945 an Inter-Governmental Organ of the UN established as the United Nations Security Council.

Even though there are 193 Member Countries of the United Nations Security Council, the entire Administrative Powers of the Management of the above Organization is vested in the Hands of only 5 Countries i.e. the China, France, Russia, the UK and the USA with VETO POWERS ignoring the Interest of the 193 Countries who MEET and GREET yearly once in a Social Event called UNGA just Get Together. 

It is surprised to learn that in spite of the formation of the United Nations Security Council in 1945 to Maintain Peace Around the World there are Hundreds and Thousands of Conflicts, Wars, Proxy Wars and Terrorism activities going on around the world but the Inter-Governmental United Nations Security Council failed to Administer its Fundamental Objective to Maintain Global Peace and Harmony.

Now it is TIME for all the Countries to UNITE and open their eyes and watch what is going on around the WORLD to make sure that ordinary and common people should not become the VICTIMS of either WAR or TERRORISM.  In this direction the UNSC-UN is starting its PROMISE TO THE WORLD AT LARGE to amend the Present Charter of the Inter-Governmental UNSC allowing the other 188 wait listed countries to be the PERMANENT MEMBERS of the Inter-Governmental UNSC to Administer DEMOCRACTICALLY or RESTRUCTRING of the Present Inter-Governmental UNSC to avoid DOMINANCE of the present 5 Permanent Members of the Inter-governmental UNSC.

Our Core Values







Greetings of the day!  It is my pleasure to inform you that the United Nations Security Council, United Nations, U.S.A. is an institution incorporated under the State and the Federal Laws of the United States of America.  The institution U.N.S.C. is dedicated to the people, for the people and by the people on the Planet Earth representing the 8 Billion population spread around the world consisting of all the 6 continents.  So we welcome all of you to join us to make this world a Happy Place to Live.

As we are aware that the Inter-Governmental U.N.S.C. was established after the II World War to maintain peace & prosperity around the world by preventing future wars, proxy wars & terrorism.  But if we look practically there are numerous wars, proxy wars, cold wars and terrorism activities that have multiplied today and the whole world is scared of anticipated III World War and the unexpected terrorism activities.

In 2019 the impact of covid 19 totally destroyed the world’s prosperity and killed millions of innocent people and destroyed their families.  With the cooperation of the Global Leaders finally we were able to control the covid 19 and started to look forward to establishing a better and brighter world.  Unfortunately the invasion of Ukraine led to the war between Russia and Ukraine that had put the world again in the back stage and led to the total division of the world vertically either in a bipolar or multipolar direction.  This led to the loss of millions and billions of man hours and productivity.  Since then we are noticing that:

Everyday hundreds and thousands of people are suffering from war injuries and are dying prematurely due to lack of medical support, Losing their SHELTER Suffering from HUNGER etc.

This war also had resulted in very high inflation around the world and artificially made non availability of food grains, medicines and day today requirements for a common man to lead a peaceful life.

In this direction, I appeal to the Global Leaders and the Country Heads to come forward and save Humanity.  We are ready to extend all the possible cooperation and coordination to make this world toxins free.  I also go further one step and inform the people of this world that the present UNSC an inter-governmental organ of the UN is to be restructured immediately enabling the 188 Non Permanent member countries who are watching the shows of the 5 Permanent Member countries who are vested with the Veto Powers to administer the UNSC for their conveyance since the establishment of the UNSC on OCTOBER 24, 1945.  Now it is the time in the 21st century that the UNSC will start administering its functions democratically giving an opportunity to all the countries to stand on the same platform by amending the present charter of the UNSC with immediate effect.  We will ensure and assure that we extend all the possible and required Guidance, Help and the Assistance that is required to amend the existing UNSC charter.

In conclusion, once all the 193 member countries of the UNSC will start functioning democratically all the wars, mini/proxy or cold wars and the terrorist activities will be automatically eliminated from this world and makes this world a Heaven on the Planet Earth.