President's Message

Welcome to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) – United Nations, where our commitment to global peace and security is unwavering. At UNSC-UN, we stand firm in our belief that fostering inclusivity, reform, and collaboration among nations is the key to achieving a more peaceful and secure world.

In a time when international cooperation is more important than ever, we are dedicated to addressing the challenges that hinder global progress, advocating for reforms that reflect the diversity and aspirations of all member states, and ensuring that every voice is heard in shaping the future of global governance.

Our mission is clear: to transform the UNSC into a more equitable and effective body capable of addressing modern challenges such as terrorism, war, and systemic inequalities. Through initiatives like the Peace Scholar and Peace Ambassador programs, we empower individuals to champion peace and security in their communities and beyond. Together, we can create a world where harmony, dignity, and sustainable peace are not just ideals but realities for all.

Thank you for your commitment to this cause, and we look forward to building a safer, more inclusive future together.

In peace,
Kris Girish
President, United Nations Security Council (UNSC)